In 2002, I worked for one of privately-owned energy companies as an in-house lawyer. Our company wanted to conclude an electricity sale contract with a customer. The contract was to include a billing mechanism which was rare at that time and typical only for the electricity market. The customer’s advisors, a law firm, did not agree with our position on the legality of the solutions we proposed in the contract.
It all happened during the holiday period. On Friday at 11.00 a.m. we were informed by the customer that we were invited to a meeting with their lawyers one hour later in order to try to convince them to accept our position.
As it was summer time, I, then still a crazy twenty-something girl, took a more relaxed attitude and dyed my hair shocking red (like a fire hydrant rather than red wine). It was Friday, the start of the weekend, so my colleague who was to go with me to the meeting was wearing fashionable ripped jeans with holes almost everywhere. Another colleague, who was responsible for business matters in the company, just that day (and for the first time in his life) had a certain dysfunction since morning, namely he got hiccups, which he could not get rid of in any way.
The three of us appeared at the meeting at the law firm in order to convince the customer’s lawyers that the contract we propose is legal and feasible and that we are a serious company…
Fortunately, we proved to be effective and the contract was concluded.
Three years later I appeared at the above law firm again – this time as a job candidate. Yes, it was the law firm Radzikowski, Szubielska i Wspólnicy, then under the name Chadbourne & Parke.
During the job interview with Włodzimierz Radzikowski I mentioned in passing that I had already been there once at a meeting when negotiating a contract between my former employer and the law firm’s client. Mr Radzikowski said: I remember that very well, that colour of hair is hard to forget…