+48 (22) 520 50 00
Jan Antepowicz
Legal trainee. His practice focuses primarily on legal advice related to energy in the broadest sense. He provides legal support to clients in relation to compliance with obligations of energy companies and grid connection procedure for renewables. Jan is also experienced in due diligence of companies that carry out wind projects and PV projects, and in the area of administrative procedure and court proceedings.
With our law firm since 2021.
Practice areas:
- Energy Law
- Renewable Energy
- Administrative Procedure and Court Proceedings
Representative Experience
- Advised ORLEN S.A. and its subsidiary ORLEN Wind 3 Sp. z o.o. on the purchase from EDP Renewables Polska Sp. z o.o. of SPVs that owned three wind farms in the Wielkopolska region with a total capacity of over 142 MW and additional photovoltaic capacity developed through cable pooling
- Advised a client on its obligations arising from the licensed activity of liquid fuel storage and transshipment, trading in liquid fuels, international trading in liquid fuels, production of liquid fuels, trading in gaseous fuels and trading in electricity
- Advised a client on legal regulations regarding carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies
- Advised a client on legal regulations regarding the development of hydrogen filling stations and points and the business of hydrogen sales
- Advised a foreign energy company in proceedings for renewal of its licences for trading in gaseous fuels, international trading in natural gas and trading in electricity
- Advised clients on cases conducted before the President of the Energy Regulatory Office and in proceedings before common courts in relation to, for example: failure to achieve the National Reduction Target, refusal to conclude a grid connection agreement
- Drafted contracts for clients in the energy sector
- Conducted a legal due diligence on wind farm and PV projects and companies in connection with the acquisition of their shares by major Polish and international energy companies
- Advised an energy company on the implementation of CPPAs in its relations with its counterparties in various options
Memberships and Affiliations
- Legal trainee at the Warsaw Bar Association
- Member of the Energy Law Section of the Regional Bar Council in Warsaw
- Member of the Administrative Law and Judicial-Administrative Law Section of the Regional Bar Council in Warsaw
- Dofinansowanie do fotowoltaiki – programy priorytetowe Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej, in: „Magazyn Fotowoltaika”, addition „Prosument” 4/2024
- Dofinansowanie do fotowoltaiki – programy priorytetowe Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej, in: „Magazyn Fotowoltaika”, addition „Prosument” 4/2023
- Nowelizacja ustawy o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym oraz jej wpływ na realizację inwestycji w odnawialne źródła energii – wybrane zagadnienia oraz ich ocena (English: Amendment to the Spatial Planning and Development Act and its impact on the implementation of renewable energy projects – selected issues and their evaluation), in: “Palestra“ 2023/11
- Prosument, czyli kto? in: „Magazyn Fotowoltaika”, addition „Prosument” 4/2022
- Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw, Master of Law, 2020
- The Faculty of Law at the University of Helsinki, student exchange programme
Foreign Languages
- English
- German
A loyal fan of cold rainy evenings in Stoke.