Krystian Andrzejewski
Lawyer. His practice focuses on energy law matters and investment projects in the energy sector, in particular renewable energy sources (RES). His main interests also include topics revolving around the development of the electromobility and alternative fuels market in Poland. Krystian provides legal advice on the compliance of public charging station operators and e-mobility providers with their legal obligations, and on investment processes regarding electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
He has participated in due diligence processes regarding companies and real estate, including wind farm and photovoltaic farm projects, and numerous legal analyses in the field of energy law, environmental law, public procurement law, building law, competition and consumer protection law and European Union law.
Krystian began his legal career at our law firm in 2018. After a break of several years, he has been back with us since February 2025.
Practice Areas
- Energy law
- Real estate law
- Competition and consumer protection law
- Investment projects in the electromobility and alternative fuels market
- Investment projects in the energy sector, including renewables
- Advised an entity operating in the electromobility market on the compliance of public charging station operators and e-mobility providers with their obligations under the Electromobility and Alternative Fuels Act
- Prepared a legal opinion on whether it is possible, under the current setup of the electricity system, for several e-mobility providers to provide electric vehicle charging services at a single charging station
- Prepared a legal opinion on whether it is possible for electricity distribution system operators to claim compensation from a local government authority if the operator is prevented from building a charging station in a “forced mode”
- Advised a large energy group on the obligations of market participants under REMIT
- Advised an electricity and heat producer on the emission standards set out in the IED
- Advised a large energy group on the application of unbundling rules to contracts entered into by members of the group
- Advised industrial customers on the rules for relief as regards the obligation to submit certificates of origin for redemption
- Advised a client on fire precautions approval for photovoltaic equipment
- Participated in due diligence processes, including those regarding wind farms and photovoltaic farms
- Drafted letters to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office, including applications to amend licences for trading in electricity
- Taksonomia – czym jest i dlaczego warto ją stosować?, for: “” 2020
- Rękojmia, gwarancja i ubezpieczenia prosumenckich instalacji PV, in: „Magazyn Fotowoltaika”, addition „Prosument” March 2020
- Pandemia Covid-19 opóźni inwestycje w farmy wiatrowe, for: “Centrum Informacji o Rynku Energii” May 2020
- Deklarowana wielkość mocy bezpiecznej a obowiązki OSD, for: “Centrum Informacji o Rynku Energii” March 2020
- Porównanie wersji UC34 i UC17 projektu ustawy o zmianie ustawy – Prawo energetyczne oraz niektórych innych ustaw w zakresie inteligentnego opomiarowania energii, for: “” February 2020
- Academy of Energy, Warsaw School of Economics, postgraduate studies, 2021
- Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw, Master of Law
- English