Przemysław Kałek
Legal advisor. His practice focuses on energy law, competition law and civil law. He provides advice on regulatory matters, transactions and anti-trust issues to Polish and international power, gas, oil and chemical companies. He has advised, among others, in connection with deregulation of electricity prices, development of the national information exchange system for the retail electricity market, and on matters related to implementation of the supplier switching process and appointment of reserve suppliers, as well as grid connection for micro installations. Przemysław advises on the acquisition, construction and operation of power plants, wind farms and solar parks, and on the development of grid infrastructure and e-mobility. He supports clients in the process of unbundling of power companies in line with the requirements of EU law, in implementing EU regulations that promote the development of renewable energy sources (onshore and offshore) and in implementing the network codes. He provides advice on the negotiation of contracts for the supply of electricity (EFET, Corporate PPA), heat, gas and fuels, grid connection agreements, transmission and distribution service contracts and electricity balancing agreements. He provides comprehensive services in regulatory matters (licences, tariffs, operators’ network codes, MIFID, REMIT).
He represents clients in disputes before common courts, the Supreme Court and administrative courts in matters relating to the energy sector and other industries, as well as in proceedings before the Polish Energy Regulatory Office and the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection.
With our law firm since 2012. Previously, he was the Head of Legal Department at RWE Polska S.A. (2003-2009).
Practice Areas
- Energy Law
- Competition Law
- Civil Law
- Building Law
- Litigation
- Advised ORLEN S.A. and its subsidiary ORLEN Wind 3 Sp. z o.o. on the purchase from EDP Renewables Polska Sp. z o.o. of SPVs that owned three wind farms in the Wielkopolska region with a total capacity of over 142 MW and additional photovoltaic capacity developed through cable pooling
- Advised a client on its obligations arising from the licensed activity of liquid fuel storage and transshipment, trading in liquid fuels, international trading in liquid fuels, production of liquid fuels, trading in gaseous fuels and trading in electricity
- Advised a client on legal regulations regarding carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies
- Advised a client on legal regulations regarding the development of hydrogen filling stations and points and the business of hydrogen sales
- Advised an energy company on the implementation of CPPAs in its relations with its counterparties in various options
- Advised an energy group operating wind farms on the conclusion of long-term operation and maintenance agreements (O&M) for two wind farms
- Represented PKN ORLEN S.A. in relation to concluding a contract for modernization of turbine generator set TG1 in the CHP in Płock (EPC), and a long-term support service for the turbine generator set (LTSA)
- Advised an international company active in the photovoltaic industry on the drafting of EPC contracts for the construction of photovoltaic farms
- Represented a client before the Supreme Court in a matter regarding financial settlements between an energy company and a road project owner
- Represented a client before the President of the Energy Regulatory Office, common courts and the Supreme Court in relation to:
- deregulation of prices in the electricity market
- the highest financial penalty imposed on an energy company for failure to exercise due care in operation of the power grid
- the highest financial penalty imposed on an energy company for failure to comply with its obligation regarding redemption of certificates of origin of electricity
- Negotiated a long-term gas supply contract with Poland’s largest gas supplier
- Supported a client in relation to transit of natural gas from Germany to Ukraine
- Represented two energy groups in the process of unbundling of power system operators and implementation of compliance programs
- Supported a client in relation to grid connection for gas-fired power plants with the total installed capacity of 1100 MW
- Represented a client in its acquisitions of wind farm projects with the total installed capacity of around 300 MW
- Supported a client in the negotiation of EPC contracts and O&M agreements related to the construction of a heat and power plant
- Advised on setting up the national network of electric vehicle charging stations
- Supported an international and Polish energy group in the process of freezing electricity prices
- Member of the Regional Chamber of Legal Advisors in Warsaw
- Arbitrator at the Energy Arbitration Court at the Association of Energy Autoproducers and Energy Consumers
- Member of the Polish Electric Power Industry Association (PSBE)
- Chambers Europe (2013-2024)
- Legal 500 (2018-2024)
- IFLR1000 (2018-2024)
- Best Lawyers (2018-2019)
- Who’s Who Legal (2018-2019, 2023-024)
- Ranking of Law Firms published by Rzeczpospolita (2020-2021,2023)
- Zmiany dotyczące fotowoltaiki – stan prawny na styczeń 2024 r., in: „Magazyn Fotowoltaika”, addition„Prosument” 4/2023
- Aspekty podatkowe związane ze zmianą zasad rozliczenia prosumentów, in: „Magazyn Fotowoltaika”, addition „Prosument” 4/2022
- Aukcje OZE 2020. Praktyczny przewodnik po nowelizacji Ustawy OZE (English: RES Auctions 2020. A Practical Guide to the Amended RES Act), co-author, online edition:, June 2020
- Pandemia COVID 19 – ułatwienia dla inwestorów realizujących instalacje fotowoltaiczne poza systemem aukcyjnym (English: The COVID-10 pandemic – measures to facilitate the investors’ implementation of PV installations outside the auction scheme), 13 May 2020
- Epidemia COVID 19 – co tarcza antykryzysowa oferuje inwestorom realizującym instalacje fotowoltaiczne? (English: The COVID 19 epidemic – what does the Anti-Crisis Shield offer to investors implementing PV installations?), 2 April 2020
- Deklarowana wielkość mocy bezpiecznej a obowiązki OSD (English: The declared value of safe capacity vis-à-vis obligations of the DSO), in: “Energia elektryczna” 2/2020; co-author
- Corporate Power Purchase Agreement – nowa formuła sprzedaży energii elektrycznej bezpośrednio z instalacji fotowoltaicznych do odbiorców (English: Corporate Power Purchase Agreement – a new formula for selling electricity directly from PV systems to customers), in: “Magazyn Fotowoltaika”, 4/2019
- Nowe zasady aukcji po nowelizacji Ustawy o OZE (English: New auction rules after the RES Act amendment), in: “Magazyn Fotowoltaika”, 3/2019
- Deweloperzy projektów OZE – nie przegapcie daty 29 listopada 2019 (English: RES project developers – do not miss the date 29 November 2019), co-author, 2 October 2019
- Instalacje OZE w miejskiej sieci energetycznej. Korzyści oraz ułatwienia prawne i podatkowe (English: RES installations in the city power grid. Benefits and as well as legal and tax advantages), in: “Smart Grids Polska”, 2/2019 (22)
- Aukcje dla OZE w 2019 r. Jakie zmiany po nowelizacji ustawy o OZE? (English: RES Auctions in 2019. What has changed after the amendment to the RES Act?), co-author, 19 August 2019
- Inteligentna energetyka w projekcie zmian prawa energetycznego (English: Smart energy in the draft amendment to the Energy Law), in: “Smart Grids Polska”, 1/2019 (21)
- Liczniki zdalnego odczytu a procedura wstrzymania dostaw energii elektrycznej z powodu zadłużenia odbiorcy (English: Remotely read meters vs the procedure of electricity cut-off due to the customer’s debt), in: “Smart Grids Polska”, 2/2017 (18)
- Odpowiedzialność operatorów sieci za szkody (English: The network operators’ liability for damage), co-author, in: “Energia Elektryczna”, 10/2017
- Magazyny energii w instalacjach fotowoltaicznych – uwarunkowania prawne (English: Energy storage facilities in PV installations – legal environment), in: “Magazyn Fotowoltaika”, 1/2017
- Nowe zasady dochodzenia roszczeń związanych z naruszeniem prawa konkurencji – wyzwanie także dla przedsiębiorstw energetycznych (English: New principles of pursuing claims in relation to infringement of competition law – a challenge also for energy companies), co-author, 23.11.2016
- Ustawa o Odnawialnych Źródłach Energii. Praktyczny komentarz inwestowania w energetykę wiatrową (English: The Renewable Energy Sources Act. A Practical Commentary on Investing in Wind Energy), co-author, PSEW, 2015
- Faculty of the Law at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, Master of German Law (LL.M.), 1997
- Faculty of Law and Administration at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Master of Law, 1997
- English
- German