Adam Zwierzyński
Advocate with a wealth of experience in large commercial disputes. His practice focuses on disputes and litigation and he represents clients, among others, before common courts, administrative courts, the Supreme Court and administrative authorities. Adam is an expert in cases involving the context of energy, corporate matters, real estate, unfair competition, protection of personal interests, anti-monopoly and compensation. He also represents undertakings in arbitrations on a regular basis. He has extensive experience in matters regarding white-collar crime. Adam is the author of a number of publications in the press dealing with legal matters.
He is also in charge of our Firm’s relations with international law firms.
With our law firm since 2008. Previously he worked for the law firm Karniol, Małecki i Wspólnicy sp.k. (2003-2008).
Practice Areas
- Litigation
- White-Collar Crime
- Arbitration and Mediation
- Civil Law
- Commercial Law
- Represented a consortium operating in the building industry, winner of a PLN 4.1 billion tender procedure for development of the second metro line in Warsaw, before the Regional Court in connection with a complaint filed by an unsuccessful competitor
- Represented one of the most prominent Polish businessmen in a landmark case regarding an infringement of personal interests – the first judgment at the level of the Court of Appeal confirming liability of a common court judge for violating the defendant’s dignity in the course of a court hearing, and ordering apologies
- Represented a large undertaking operating in the automotive industry in a case involving around PLN 300 million claims under a privatization agreement before the Regional Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court
- Represented a large undertaking operating in the fuel industry on an appeal against decisions that imposed fines of around PLN 180 million
- Represented a large undertaking operating in the automotive industry in disputes with shareholders challenging resolutions of the General Meeting for the total value exceeding PLN 1 billion
- Represented an industrial company in a compensation dispute connected with a fatal accident with the value in dispute exceeding PLN 23 million
- Represented a large undertaking operating in the food industry in a case against the State Treasury in connection with an attempted enforcement of a compulsory mortgage for the amount exceeding PLN 2 million
- Defended a well-known Polish businessman in a high-profile corruption-related criminal case before the Regional Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court
- Represented the biggest network of fitness clubs in Poland in an arbitration, with damages sought exceeding PLN 6 million for breach of contract
- Represented one of the largest Polish cement companies in a case for damages in relation to losses resulting from a cartel agreement and in antitrust proceedings
- Represented an undertaking operating in the advanced technology industry in a landmark case for damages resulting from an unlawful administrative decision – for the first time the court’s decision enforced compensation which covered all attorney fees incurred in administrative proceedings related to the unlawful decision, in their actual amount
- Member of the Warsaw Bar Association
- Treasurer of the Polish Arbitration Association
- Arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration at the PCC in Warsaw
- Arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Confederation Lewiatan
- Lecturer and Examiner at the Warsaw Bar Association, substantive civil law and civil procedure
- Member of DIS Rules Clinic Settlement Facilitation Group
- Member of Arbitration/Mediation and Civil Law/Civil Procedural Law Sections at Warsaw Bar
- Chambers Global (2025)
- Chambers Europe (2024)
- Legal 500 (2019-2020, 2022-2024)
- Zmiana w kwestii rozpoznawania zażaleń: Kolega z wydziału już nie skontroluje kolegi (English: Change in the issue of recognition of complaints: A department colleague will no longer inspect a colleague) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, on: „” , 5 January 2023
- O jeden podpis za daleko, czyli nieistniejące postanowienia (English: A signature to far, or non-existent decisions, in “Rzeczpospolita”, 18 November 2022
- Przymusowy franczyzowy sąd arbitrażowy (English: Compulsory Franchise Arbitration Court) – in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 8 November 2022
- Ochrona przed wyzyskiem (English: Protection against exploitation) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 29 June 2022
- Zostało kilka tygodni na »zaparkowanie « roszczeń, czyli koniec prób ugodowych jakie znamy, (English: A couple of weeks left to ‘park’ claims, or the end of pre-trial conciliation proceedings as we know them) in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 10 May 2022
- Koszty sądowe w dół. Ale tylko niektóre (English: Court costs down. But only some) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 4 January 2022
- Covidowe zasady staną przed SN (English: Covid rules will go before the Supreme Court) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 26 October 2021
- Łatwiej będzie poluzować gorset stawek dla biegłych (English: Restrictions on the expert witness rates to be eased) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 22 September 2021
- MS chce wprowadzić postępowanie konsumenckie. Koniec dysproporcji między konsumentami a przedsiębiorcami (English: The Ministry of Justice wants to introduce consumer proceedings. End of the disproportion between consumers and undertakings) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 28 July 2021
- Ślepy pozew czy jednak ślepa droga (English: Blind’ lawsuit or rather a blind alley – Adam Zwierzyński on the legislative bill on the protection of freedom of speech on the Internet) in: “Rzeczpospolita”, 9 April 2021
- Jak urząd i prokurator o wolność słowa zawalczą (English: How the authority and the public prosecutor will fight for the freedom of speech), in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 30 March 2021
- Książka »Sekretne życie motyli « zrujnowała im karierę. Sąd orzekł, że opisuje nieprawdę. Autorka musi przeprosić (English: The book ‘The Secret Life of Butterflies’ has ruined their careers. The court has ruled that it describes untruths. The author must apologise) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, in: “Gazeta Wyborcza”, 5 March 2021
- W SN rośnie góra pytań o ‘poziomki’ (English: More and more questions about horizontal interlocutory appeals at the Supreme Court) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 23 February 2021
- Pandemiczna apelacja, czyli kolegialność do odstrzału (English: The pandemic appeal, or collective adjudication to be axed), in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 11 February 2021
- Pełnomocnik niewolnikiem sądu. E-mailowy haczyk na adwokatów (English: The attorney as a slave to the court. An e-mail trap for advocates) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 25 January 2021
- Zażalenia poziome, czyli fikcja odwoławcza (English: Horizontal complaints, or a sham of appeal), in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 7 July 2020
- Terminy już nie zawieszone, ale nie biegną… (English: Time limits no longer suspended and yet not running…), in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 25 May 2020
- Epidemia to także problemy z atestami urządzeń w wielu firmach (English: Epidemic also means problems with equipment approvals in many companies) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, on:, 6 April 2020
- Stracona szansa na elektronizację procesu cywilnego (English: A lost opportunity to computerize the civil process), in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 2 April 2020
- Fikcja doręczeń jeszcze większym problemem w czasie epidemii – (English: The fiction of service of process an even bigger problem in times of epidemic) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, on:, 01 April 2020
- Wniosek o uzasadnienie niczym pole minowe (English: Request for a ruling’s reasoning as a minefield), in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 5 February 2020
- Revolution in Polish civil procedure, co-author, in: “CEE Legal Matters”, issue 6.12, January 2020
- Przyrzekam, że napiszę prawdę…, czyli praktyczne problemy zeznań pisemnych, (English: I solemnly affirm and declare that I will write the truth… or practical problems with testimony given in writing), in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 3 December 2019
- Czy nowelizacja dopuszcza warunkowe czynności procesowe? (English: Does the amendment allow for conditional procedural steps?), in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 6 November 2019
- Postanowienia – kolejna ofiara reformy k.p.c. (English: Court decisions – another victim of the reform of the Civil Procedure Code), in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 21 October 2019
- Dopuszczalność wniesienia skargi kasacyjnej przed doręczeniem skarżonego orzeczenia z uzasadnieniem. Glosa do postanowienia Sądu Najwyższego z 28.01.2016 r., II CSK 431/15 (English: Admissibility of filing a cassation appeal before the appealed ruling with statement of reasons is served. A commentary on the Supreme Court’s decision of 28 January 2016, II CSK 431/151), in: “Przegląd Sądowy”, Wolters Kluwer, No. 10/2019
- Częściowe uzasadnienie – patent na kłopoty, a nie przyspieszenie postępowania (English: Partial statement of reasons – asking for trouble rather than speeding up the procedure), in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 8 October 2019
- Drastyczna podwyżka może wypchnąć ugody z sal sądowych (English: A dramatic increase may push settlements out of the court room), in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 24 September 2019
- Po wskazówkach SN postępowanie pojednawcze po nowemu (English: Following guidance from the Supreme Court, conciliation proceedings to be refashioned), in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 25 June 2019
- Zabezpieczenie przed wszczęciem tylko wyjątkowo (English: Pretrial injunction as an exception only), in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 24 April 2019
- Syndyk nie może żądać od adwokata wydania dokumentacji upadłego (English: The receiver must not require that the advocate provide the documentation of the bankrupt), in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 9 April 2019
- Proces szybszy, ale czy sprawiedliwy (English: Civil cases to be faster, but is it a fair trial?), in: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, 1 April 2019
- Właściciel FSO przed sądem. Kto wykończył fabrykę? English: The FSO owner before the court. Who finished the factory?) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, in: Magazyn “Rynek Inwestycji”, 24 November 2017
- Słony rachunek za fabrykę aut na Żeraniu (English: Huge bill for the Żerań car factory) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, in: “Rzeczpospolita”, 24 November 2017
- Przegląd prasy: Słony rachunek za fabrykę FSO – English: Press review: Huge bill for the FSO factory) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, on:, 24 February 2017
- Obrońcy Henryka Stokłosy zaskarżyli wyrok. Były senator stanie przed Sądem Apelacyjnym (English: Defence counsel for Henryk Stokłosa appealed the judgment. Ex-senator to stand before the Court of Appeal) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, in: “Głos Wielkopolski”, 16 September 2013
- Sędzia jeszcze nie przeprosił Stokłosy (English: The judge has not yet apologised to Stokłosa) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, on: “”, 30 June 2013
- Sędzia nie przeprosił za biegunkę. Zabrakło ‘dni’ (English: ) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, in: “Gazeta Wyborcza”, 28 June 2013
- Prawnik Stokłosy wygrał proces przeciwko sędziemu w obronie prywatności swego klienta (English: Stokłosa’s lawyer wins lawsuit against judge in defence of his client’s privacy) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, on:, 15 April 2013
- Henryk Stokłosa opuści areszt. Wpłacił 5 mln zł? (English: Henryk Stokłosa to be released from jail. Did he pay PLN 5 million?) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, on:, 26 March 2013
- Henryk Stokłosa wyjdzie na wolność? Musi dopłacić 2 miliony zł (English: Henryk Stokłosa to be released from jail? He must pay an extra PLN 2 million) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, on:, 25 March 2013
- Proces senatora Stokłosy: Prokurator chce 8 lat więzienia, Ministerstwo Finansów – zwrotu prawie 15 mln zł (English: Trial of Senator Stokłosa: Public prosecutor wants 8 years in prison, Ministry of Finance wants nearly PLN 15 million back) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, in: “Gazeta Wyborcza”, 20 February 2013
- Prawie 2 mln 400 tysięcy złotych domaga się w sądzie małżeństwo Stokłosów od swego byłego doradcy finansowego. Marian J. był ich doradcą przez 12 lat, od 1995 do 2007 roku. Zdaniem Stokłosów – doradca miał nienależycie wykonywać swoje obowiązki (English: The Stokłosa spouses are demanding in court almost PLN 2.4 million from their former financial adviser. Marian J. was their adviser for 12 years, from 1995 to 2007. According to the Stokłosa spouses, the adviser improperly performed his duties) – article with a commentary by Adam Zwierzyński, on the website of Radio Poznań, 29 July 2010
- Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, postgraduate studies “New Technologies Law”, 2022
- Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw, Master of Law, with distinction, 2003
- University of Helsinki, Finland, Socrates Scholarship, 2003
- American Law Center at the Faculty of Law and Administration, the University of Warsaw, 2002
- English
- German